Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cheny to be replaced by Mayor McCheese -- FafBlog

Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog, Runs this very insightful expose on thhe future. Within you'll find all of your speculations are unfounded. Fafblog has ripped the lidoff the stonewalling by the administration and the Fitzgerald investigation.

Here's the money quote:

UPDATE! An even more super-secret source tells us that Dick Cheney will resign and be replaced, most likely by McCheese! Mayor McCheese is widely respected in Republican circles for his strong fiscal conservatism and his tough-on-hamburgling record. But how will this affect the Mayor's 2008 presidential prospects? Will this be seen as a concession to the powerful Fat Lobby? Stay with us, there is more to come!

Amazing stuff!


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