Thursday, December 22, 2005

Rick Santorum - Big Flip Flopper, Bigger Liar

Satorum says he is cut[ting] ties to law center after 'intelligent design' defeat.

What a puss. Rick Santorum is a fairweather friend indeed. If I were on the board of a Law Center that was integral in the ID debate being brought to trial in the first place and if I had been spouting my mouth off to every reporter in Washington about how the ID folks were just "attempting to teach the controversy of evolution," if I were, in short one of the principal instigators of the ID Media feeding frenzy, I might just suck it up and take my lumps. You can't unring the bell as much as you would like to. Lying is still lying even when you are a republican.

Shut up and take it like a man.


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