Monday, May 08, 2006

The ghost of Fitzmas future

Talking Points Memo has a truly in depth post about the unfolding scandal at CIA that is tied inexorably to the Randy "Duke" Cunningham bribery investigation. It is beginning to look like there are a whole lot of prople who are at the very least tainted by the rampant corruption perpetrated by Mitchell Wade and Brent Wilkes, the two bribers in the Cunningham case. It looks like more heads are getting set to roll over this thing and they might not be all.

In the last season of the Abramoff bribery scandal there was much talk about his being the most pervasive bribery operation in the history of the US government. This might give Jack a run for his money. Add to that the other activities stipulated by Mr. Wade in his guilty plea and it adds up to a massive indictment of the militray-industrial complex. Truly, if half of what is being said about these characters is true this is like the motherlode of corruption. There is nearly no-one in the leadership of the intelligence community who is untouched.

We should watch this thing carefully. In the mean time to get up to speed click he link at the top of this post. It clarifies most of this convoluted rats nest pretty well.


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