Friday, March 31, 2006

Caution! Big Shoes Dropping!

CBS News Has the short form story about Tony Rudy, A former top aide to embattled ex-majority leader Tom DeLay who is apparently singing like a canary.

Click the link.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Oh! that darned global warming...

So ABC News asks a question that I have been thinking about for a long time now, "Was Confusion Over Global Warming a Con Job?"

What a headline. Of course I think you can guess that I come down firmly in the cam that, yes indeed, this "confusion" theat "certain scientists" are having over wether or not global warming exists is a total con perpetrated by the global oil companies. ABC comes up with a few great gotcha quotes.

Check it out.

How many more times do we need to say this...

the President of the United States was going to go to war with Iraq NO MATTER WHAT! Now GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEADS!!!

What do you have to say around here before people believe you?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Holy Shit!

The Seattle Times has the story of how a small rule change being contemplated by the IRS would allow your tax preparer to sell your tax return to the highest bidder!


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Shoot first, ask questions later

This story from ABC News makes clear the administrations view that the good Ol' boys can do whatever they want in the world and to hell with the consequenses.

George W is getting his gun on again; this time with Iran in the sights. The latest "National Security Strategy" contains the following passage:

"If necessary, however, under long-standing principles of self defense, we do not rule out the use of force before attacks occur even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack."

You know, I was always proud to have been a country that was never the agressor. I always thought of us as the example to other nations for how to be a major power and an influence for peace and democracy but in the last five years we have seen that all change. We are now the country that shoots first. We are the country that tortures. We are the country that imprisons our own citizens without charge for years. We are the country that invades and occupys other countries based on lies and deciet. We are the country that has just now stated that this is what we want to be. Constantly at war. Not a war we were brought into because situations demanded it, but a war we made for our own greed and avarice. A war to beat up the little guy. A war to bully.

I am sick to death of my president, his lying, sick minded cronies, and all of their filth and depravity done in the name of christianity and pious living. They give us all a bad name. They kill what is right and good about my country. I hate them and I will never stop fighting them. Their culture of corruption has fatally damaged my country. I fear that it may never recover. It's time for the GOP to go. Rout them at the ballot box. Destroy their ability to project power. Crush this power mad dynastic regime, and give it back to those who can bring us back to the country we were.

The party of smaller government? Of more responsible spending? Seriously?

ABC News Says that the senate on a straight party line vote just approved raising the National Debt to 9 Trillion dollars.

More responsible financial management indeed. When a tax and spend liberal can say we have better fiscal policy you know something is going seriously wrong.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

That Abramoff thing is going to bite you in the ass

When will these guys learn that the truth may be painful for a minute but the lies will eventually be much worse? Everyone eventually gets caught in the lies and that is what is starting to happen to all of the folks who claim to have "never heard" of Jack Abramoff. If you were in the GOP leadersip, chances are, you had him as your best friend. To deny it and hope that the story would go away is the worst kind of wishful thinking, but it is exactly what they are all doing.

Well, the chickens are coming home to roost. 'Ol Jack has just been talking and talking and talking to anyone that he can recently. He names names. He explains relationships. He chides the memory loss of some of our most politically astute leaders. and Vanity Fair took it all down and published it.

Good luck with that lying to the american people thing! I hope it's worth it....

Congress to Bush: No more rubber stamp!

The Dubai ports deal looks to be the straw that finally broke the back of the GOP. The fact that the president has decided to use his veto power for the first time makes this especially interesting to watch. I am getting out the popcorn for this one.

Sure is a good thing he doesn't read the polls....

The Raw Story Has the tale of the tape:

Gallup: Bush disapproval rating highest of any president since Nixon

44% Strongly DISSAPPROVE -vs- 20% Strongly APPROVE


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Digby has the question to everyones answer on the abortion issue going on in South Dakota this week ( and from now till it gets to the SCOTUS), "how come none of the proposed laws anywhere, as far as I can tell, believe that a woman should be tried for the murder of her child if she gets an abortion?"

Good question.

Good post.

Click the link and read it.