Thursday, July 14, 2005

Former Ambassador Wilson escalates the rhetoric in the war on the War

CIA agent's husband sees W. House cover-up on leak - Yahoo! News

By Sue Pleming Thu Jul 14,10:10 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The husband of a CIA agent whose identity was revealed amid debate over the Iraq war accused the White House on Thursday of being involved in a giant "cover-up" in the scandal and said President Bush should fire his top aide Karl Rove.

This is the beginning of an article that is one of many that have been circulating today in the media blackout surrounding the case at the White House. The use by Joe Wilson of the words "Cover Up" are going to get some lips moving over on the hill and at the WH I guarantee. I am actually very surprised that he has upped the ante in this fashion but I have to say I love his style.

I met the former ambassador last year on a swing through my hometown and was very impressed not only by his story but also in the matter of fact way he dealt with his allegations. He was not the foaming-on-the-mouth leftist that many in the rightwing blogoshpere have made him out to be. His reasons were clearly stated, in a way that tried to be as non partisan as possibe. I have to say that I was expecting more fireworks from his speech but he was "diplomatic" to a fault. Probably a feature of his former jobs in government.

It i smostly because of this respect for the diplomacy of the former ambassador that I am highly interested when he makes the claim of "cover up" as he is now. There is obviously more than enough public opinion to go along with him on this and just maybe the meme will break out of the washington only crowd and get some legs nationally. This sounds to me like a first shot in a rather remarkable war about the War. I hope that there are more.

I have never supported this Occupation nor the War in Iraq. I find them a massive distraction from the real business and a tragic wast of life and credibility for both the US and Iraq. I welcome any discussion that this new wrinkle brings to the national table. I just hope that we as a people can see what this war has been from the start: a self destructive boondoggle to garner votes and money for the president and his oil barron cronies.


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