Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I send letters...

I sent the following letter to Luke Esser of the Washington State GOP.

Washington State GOP
Luke Esser, Chairman
Via email

Dear Luke,

Well, it was certainly unfortunate that some "volunteer" found his or her way to the evergreen state fair booth with the offensive and divisive $3 bills depicting the democratic candidate as a cartoon muslim. It was truly more unfortunate that that volunteer was "selling" them on your behalf. (As reported by the Seattle Times today.) Well I now know the way you guys operate.

"Asking for forgiveness is so much easier than asking for permission..."

The only trouble is that it just doesn't jibe with all of those ethics and morals you so heavily tout in your national and local ads. You are supposed to be the party of family values, of goodness and right. Instead we all see what you are. The party of win-at-all-costs, of the dirty trick, of working the angles and of asking for forgiveness after it gets out of hand.

You have been the leaders in the morally bankrupt race-to-the-bottom that has typified the culture wars that you have so fervently tried to wage. Well I am sick of it. There was a time that I had been persuaded to see your side in these races, that I voted both for republican and democratic office holders in local politics. That time has passed. You have lost my confidence, my respect and my vote.

You, as chairman have the moral responsibility to lead and to make right what is wrong in this state and this country. I don't see that happening. It makes me sad to think that I have been, by the actions of your party, limited to a single party future, but so be it.


Thor Radford

Shoreline, WA

This all comes from an incident I heard about as I drove in to work this morning. I was listening to NPR and a local story caught my attention about how the Snohomish county GOP was handing out $3 bills with Obama's face on them in arab headdress and with camels and palm trees in the background. Seems they couldn't think of anything substantive to say about the dem candidate and instead just wanted to slur him in the only way they knew how.


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