Sunday, November 14, 2004


Who'da thunk it? I have people actually reading this thing... Well, There's no accounting for taste, I guess. I suppose I will just keep posting along with musings form the days news.

So far not much to report. It's the weekend again and the toe is still swollen but only a little bit. News is slow. Slower than you might imagine on the first weekend after the death of Yassir Arafat. (Surely you didn't sleep through THAT) Anyway, I would have thought that the wild speculation machine that our beloved international media has become would be brewing with fanciful tales of doom and destruction of the palestinian state ( or the jewish one for that matter!) but nothing so far has grabbed my attention.

Ah me. I guess I'l just go back to watching The Matrix.

Could be worse.


Blogger Cheesus Crust said...

I think the Jewish aggression towards palistine will continue unfettered after this. The palistinians will continue to blow them up. I doubt this is going to change as long as the US keeps vetoing peace proposals at the UN (oh but we love to talk about peace on the news).

The first Matrix was awsome. The second sucked really bad (I never want to see Keanu's ass ever again). The third was stupid too, except for the entire last fight scene, which ruled... times ten.

10:36 PM  

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