Friday, March 18, 2005

Bride of reanimator or "Come see the Senate Freak Show"

It seems that the mighty Christian right faction within the US Senate has decided that the best thing to do to keep alive a woman in Florida who has been in a constant vegetative state is to subpoena her to testify on the floor of the senate.

I am horrified. There are some things that I have come to expect from the right, but I just can't get my head around this. the idea that they are getting involved at all is somewhat suspect but the fact that they are essentially puttting this poor woman on display as a freak for the national news media really goes way too far. Shoe some kind of decency.

I have a hard time thinking of how I would react were it my family member. If we had discussed this possible outcome and their wishes had been known. How would I feel to have my family member paraded in front of the hot lights of TV cameras just to make political hay for the pro life movement?

And just how pro life are they anyway? Aren't these the very same people who are all for capital punishment?

I'm disgusted.


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