Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Jesus God! Wouldn't you just know it?!

Well I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. You see, it seems that the disgraced political appointee that basically allowed New Orleans to be destroyed, Michael Brown, has remained on the payroll of the federal government despite having resigned his post. In what can only be described as a blatant sham resignation for wholly political cover, Brown quit only to be backdoored as a "consultant" to find out what went wrong in the Katrina debacle. WTF?! Here's a hint Mike.... It was YOU. You doing nothing for all that time that doomed that city.

I don't want to pay him to keep screwing things up and then telling us how he did it. I mean come ON!

Write to your congressmen and senators. Call them on the phone. Outrage must be shown.


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