Thursday, April 07, 2005

The draft is dead, long live the draft!

komo news | Soldier Sues Over Military's Stop-Loss Policy

SEATTLE - Emiliano Santiago will continue to fight for his country -- he's leaving for Afghanistan on Friday -- even though he doesn't want to go.

He also vows to fight against his country on what he calls a backdoor draft.

"I signed my contract for 8 years and the government involuntarily extended me for another 27 years," says Santiago.

Yes you read that right 27 YEARS! It seems that the government, faced with monumental shortfalls in recruiting, has found that Santiago has a "Critical" job... Wait for it... refuling airplanes. No he doesn't fly air tankers or work on an aircraft carrier he is a flight engineer for ground based aircraft. "My job is so simple, just refueling aircraft, connect hoses, pump fuel turn on the pump and fill up the aircraft, I don't see any critical skills," says Santiago.

He has sued the government in an attempt to let him our of the military. His current enlistment extention is up Christmas eve 2031.

Who says the draft is dead.


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