Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Can't. Help. Myself. Must. Pile. On.......

As you have no doubt heard by now Tom DeLay has been indicted in Texas. I just want to say that it couldn't have happened to a nastier guy. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I have no illusions that he will be convicted of anything. He can, after all, buy anyone he needs to keep him out of jail, but it is still nice to see.

Imagine all that is happening right now in the "party of personal responsibility." Let's see....

Theres Delay being indicted here....

Then there's Bill Frist's SEC Inquiry... And what else...

Oh yeah! There's Karl Roves little thing with the CIA officer not to mention the extra attention that he's getting from the multiple and massive investigations into Uber Lobbyist and slush fund manager Jack Abramoff Who can take this thing full circle all by himself by linking back to... Wait for it.....

Tom DeLay.

Have I told you what a beautiful day it's turning out to be?


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