Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dick "straight shooter" Cheney

So I have been thinking about the Dick Cheney shooting incedent a lot now. I am amazed how much actually. I was originally of the mind that this was nothing more than an embarrassing accident, one that would be smoothed over within a day and would result in more business as usual. As it turns out I couldn't have been more wrong. CBS News is reporting on the growing GOP aggrivation with the V.P. I have to say that this fiasco has been handled worse than I have ever seen.

Here is where my head is at right now about this. Cheney had his accident and seriously injured a man that as far as we know was one of his best friends. I'm not going to say that there was antything wrong with that. It was an accident. It could have happened to any hunter and since Cheney has been hunting for all of his life it's possible that the law of averages just caught up to him. It wasn't the acccident that has me incredulous. It's the coverup.

I see no other way of describing what is going on here. This has all of the hallmarks of a classic political coverup. you have the stonewalling and misdirection, the blaming of the victim, and the information dissemination by proxies. All of this is happening when the best course of action would probably have been to just own up to the mistake and tell the american people that you are deeply sorry and are praying for the injured man. Heck I can even think that he could have rescued this thing up until yesterday by being honest and saying, "The reason I didn't come out and tell all of you is because I was embarrassed for my own actions. I am truly sorry and I have conveyed my apologies to the family of my friend and colleague." that is all that it would have taken and this thing would have become a footnote. A bizzare one to be sure but a footnote none the less.

That wasn't done. Cheney has forgotten how to be like most other humans. He lives indepentant of most of the rules of polite society. He lives in secret. Keeping his motives even secret from the president. So now the staff of te White House are going bonkers and the GOP are starting to wonder if he is the right guy for the job. The longer Cheney decides that he is above the fray on this the bigger the disconnect gets. He is proving to all that he is not in the least concerned with anyones agenda but his own. Perhaps this "Straight Shooter" is becoming a "Loose Cannon."


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